Author: Fratus Brady

Texas Pharmaceutical & Drug Claims AttorneyTexas Pharmaceutical & Drug Claims Attorney

Over the past decade or so we have seen a number of pharmaceutical & drug claims surface. Some of these have been class action suits as a result of a large number of people developing undesirable side effects and illnesses as due to taking a specific drug. Medical malpractice attorneys
In other cases, the claims are limited to an individual who has prescribed a drug that was counter indicated with something else he/she was taking. In addition, there are even mistakes made every day in which a patient is given the wrong medication altogether! When this happens the consequences can be severe, even fatal in many cases.
When any of these things occur, or there is a situation that leads you to believe there may have been some sort of malpractice on the part of a pharmaceutical company or even your local pharmacy, you must take action. Not only are you going to be acting on your behalf but you will also be helping to insure that nothing like this happens to another person. Pharmaceutical & drug claims can be quite serious and they can certainly be complex matters. For this reason it is absolutely imperative that you have a good team of lawyers working on your claim. The average person does not have anywhere near the type of resources at their disposal that pharmaceutical companies have.

These giants typically have dozens of attorneys on call to handle pharmaceutical & drug claims which are brought against them. Without a reputable law firm, you might as well be prepared to lose your case. We at our law firm have extensive experience with individual pharmaceutical & drug claims as well as assisting in class action suits against drug makers and pharmaceutical companies. If you are looking for attorneys who know their business and will fight every step of the way to be sure you are compensated on your claim then contact us to come in and discuss the particulars of your case. We will shoot straight with you and let you know just what you are up against. More on this website

Personal InjuryPersonal Injury

Personal Injury

If you or a family member has suffered an injury in a serious accident caused by the negligence of another person, it is important to contact an experienced attorney. Navigating your way through the process that follows a serious accident is complex. We can help.

The first thing you need to think about is your health. You can let us worry about the many other issues including recovering compensation for any injury or damage you have suffered. We have expertise understanding what can be a very complex web of insurance carriers and policies. Our lawyers will work with your insurance company and the other parties to ensure the prompt payment of your medical bills, and lost wages and to obtain fair compensation for pain and suffering.

If you have been injured in a serious motor vehicle accident, you are quickly going to become involved with one or more insurance companies. And while these companies and the people who work for them are usually polite, reputable and ethical they are not your friend. They are a business.

Personal Injury

Following an accident, many insurance companies will attempt to convince you to settle your claim quickly. This is almost always a bad idea. In many instances, the settlement an insurance company offers will not take into account the future implications of your injury. Or, the settlement may contain language releasing rights you don’t even yet fully understand. The best practice is to not sign any documentation until you meet with us, and we’ve had a chance to review the paperwork with you.

Our firm will immediately investigate your accident and all of the factors that might have contributed to it. We will interview witnesses, preserve any evidence and document the scene of the accident. Our lawyers will work closely with expert consultants such as engineers to determine the cause of the accident and medical professionals to determine if there are life-altering aspects to your injury, such as rehabilitation expenses, physical therapy or follow-up treatments. Our goal is to ensure your well-being both medically and financially.

Wrongful DeathWrongful Death

Husband and Wife Funeral Farewell

Losing a loved one is an emotionally devastating event. That devastation can become financially crippling if you have lost a wage earner in the family. Our Annapolis wrongful death attorneys will guide you through this troubling time while working to ensure your future financial stability.

The attorneys at the personal injury law firm, have more than 30 combined years of experience navigating clients through difficult times in their lives. We strive to take as much of the concern and worry off your shoulders as possible, giving you the opportunity to opportunity to focus your energy and attention on the many difficult issues and responsibilities that follow a sudden loss. We will investigate the accident to accurately determine liability and we will work tirelessly to ensure that the family of the deceased is treated fairly and in a way that allows them to move forward with their lives and confident that they have been fairly and adequately compensated for the enormous loss suffered.

Wrongful death cases are treated uniquely under Maryland law in several ways, including:

  • The deceased must not have contributed to his or her own death in any way.
  • There are limitations on jury awards, which lead to a cap on compensation.
  • There are specifically defined beneficiaries, and only certain classes of people — immediate family, spouses, etc. — are entitled to pursue a wrongful death claim.

If you have recently lost a loved one in an accident caused by the negligence of another individual, contact our firm immediately. Our lawyers will investigate the circumstances surrounding the accident to help you determine if a wrongful death case should be pursued.